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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Throughout our life time there are significant events that occur

Throughout our life time there are significant events that occur - being born, Man on the Moon, Women get the right to vote, the end of Apartheid, Black President of USA to name a few!!
However, one change that never ceases to amaze me in when a female is voted into a position of power – Indira Ghandi, Margaret Thatcher, former NZ PM Helen Clark, NSW Premier Kristina Keneally and of course Australia’s first PM Julia Gillard.
You could hear almost every female roar 'hallelujah' throughout Australia and I say almost because I don’t dare presume that all females would be happy about Julia Gillard being PM. Not only is she female but she not married, has no children & is a non-practicing Baptist.
Her words in an article regarding religion were true to her, "I'm not going to pretend a faith I don't feel," she said. "For people of faith I think the greatest compliment I could pay to them is to respect their genuinely held beliefs and not to engage in some pretence about mine." The article goes to report that Ms Gillard never thought it was the right thing for her to go through ‘religious rituals’ for the sake of appearance.
I can hear the Christians crying, in fact, they have already made a statement regarding the PM stating that they hope that the values of a married man with children will be the same as hers, eh what?
Yes, the former PM, Kevin Rudd was a Christian & attended church, so therefore, he must have the right values. Well, we all know that being a Christian married & attending church does not always mean they have the right values. How many supposed Christians have strayed, the public list is long & I am sure there are many more regular Christians that have done the same thing but I digress from my point ...
Basically, I hope one day there will be many women in positions of power such as head of corporations, companies & political parties and the like. It was a brave day for the Labour Party when they chose Julia Gillard to be PM, so here hoping she will be voted in by the masses.