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Is it the cocktail hour? It must be 5 o'clock somewhere in the world!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I wish you a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year ....

These words can make some people happy & make some people cry . . . .

The commercialism surrounding Christmas has always astounded me and this commercialism in turn puts pressure on families ‘to give presents’ and if you are not careful really useless presents.

In my family we discuss Christmas present giving, my Mother and Brother do not have money to throw around, we have a limit and the process goes on from there and everyone is happy and not out of pocket. The same works with my partner and I, this way presents are given thoughtfully & with enjoyment.

Sadly in some families this idea is not used and the expenses rise especially with children having to get the latest toys & gadgets.

Christmas is a time of year that records the highest suicide rate the next closest is Easter – notice a trend!

It would be good if we could go back to the essence of Christmas, not that I am Christian but this commercialism has taken the real meaning of Christmas away.

Christmas is supposed to celebrate new life but not so these days. Now days in some families, it’s a just time of year when there is the family get together with people you basically dread talking to and often can make people very sad & even depressed.

So I hear you ask, why write about this doom and gloom? Well, I guess I just wanted to remind everyone that it can be a happy time if you make it a happy time and try not to let others irritate you too much. Eat, drink and be merry :)

Merry Christmas and have a Happy & Safe New Year