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Is it the cocktail hour? It must be 5 o'clock somewhere in the world!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Recently in Australia the subject of same sex marriage has been brought up again, this time as a result of a cutting remark from a potential senate candidate Wendy Francis from the Family First Political Party.
It is ironic that the federal government will not move with times, I believe that Australia is the only major commonwealth country not to legalise same sex marriage. Canada, New Zealand & even the old dart England have civil unions that are recognised as marriage.
Many years ago our legal system moved to change laws to support same sex marriages regarding de facto relationships relating to property and other everyday issues.
Even Centrelink has changed the rules regarding same sex relationships relating to pensions allowing same sex couples to receive a couple pension and other joint benefits.
It seems we have the cake but not the icing due to a bunch of antiquated politicians who refuse to move with the times. This includes both sides of the federal government – sadly even our partnered, childless atheist PM will not outwardly support same sex marriages.
There is an argument that the politicians have to follow the party line and I guess we will really never know until they retire what their real views are on any subject.
My research has found that gay marriages have been in existence for thousands of years (http://www.gaychristian101.com/gay-marriage.html) this article confirms that it is the current patriarchy that prevents the recognition of marriage in Australia and indeed throughout the rest of the world.
The Christians maintain that parenting is best done by heterosexual parents - this does not mean that their children will turn out any different. Whether you are raised with two parents of same sex or male & female, it does not influence how the child will ultimately carry on in their adult life. How many Christian children have taken up alternate religions, found that they were gay or just totally turned away from religion altogether, hmmm.
It should be noted that the majority of murderers in the world come from heterosexual parents, it seems that no one can determine how a person will turn out.
In the end I cannot work out why that last step cannot be taken - who will it hurt!!

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