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Is it the cocktail hour? It must be 5 o'clock somewhere in the world!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Recently Anique, who is an avid cook, was cooking up a storm in the kitchen and she asked me to get down the Sunbeam Mixmaster and as I opened the pantry door I stood there in awe at the amount of kitchen appliances that we own.
The list is long we have Coffee Plungers in three different sizes, Coffee Machine, Juice Processor, Food Processor, Rice Cooker, Mixmaster (that doubles as a hand mixer), Bread Maker, Citrus Juicer, Blender, Toaster, Kettle & Microwave – not all in the pantry & yes, we do use them all most of the time!!
We asked ourselves when did this happen? We recalled that when we first started living together, we did not have much just the usual suspects – Kettle, Toaster, Microwave, Blender & Sandwich Maker.
We pondered how it came to be, did the equipment produce the extras themselves and what happens at night-time when we go to sleep – eek!!!
Do we have inter-machine sex going on? We remembered that the next appliances we bought were the Food Processor & the Juice Processor - is it possible that the Food Processor & the Juice Processor got together to create more appliances, so they would not get lonely or are they planning on taking over our kitchen !!
Scared! Now have a look in your kitchen - scary isn’t it!!
Our most recent acquision is a Mandolin; I can hear you say, what is a musical instrument doing in the kitchen? Well, nothing is sacred from appliance manufacturers. This device does not sing the vegetables into submission but nicely slices food into various sizes, julienne’s, shreds and the list is endless. Anique even has two of these, one big & one smaller - so that she can get different sized slicing & shredding etc.
I ask - what will these two appliances produce? (they are from the same family of Mandolins - hopefully not to close) Will they get up to no good at night like the Processors – what will the next appliance be & how will it make its way into our kitchen, will the Mandolins bring in another appliance under the pretence of a song !!! Watch this space ...... :)

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud when I read this. My hubby has a rule: no kitchen appliances that have only one purpose. I'm not sure of the logic though because we have a kettle and a toaster and, as far as I know, they are single-purpose appliances...

    At any rate, we don't have many appliances as a result. Appliance abstinence in this part of the world.
