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Is it the cocktail hour? It must be 5 o'clock somewhere in the world!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


This year I have been, either directly or indirectly involved with a few people who have passed away, one as young as 27 and another closer to my age - she was 54.
When these things happen, it makes you realise and remember that we are mere mortals on this Earth and it can be your time at anytime.
In these reflective moments, I am reminded of my own shaky start to life and wondering why I was chosen to survive and of course still live to survive – I am a cancer survivor.
At the tender age of 5 months old I was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of cancer – Neuroblastoma of the Liver! This aggressive cancer does not relegate itself to the liver only, it can attack anywhere in your body and luckily the treatment I received at the time obviously hit it on the head, as I have been in remission for 50 years.
Sadly my mother was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 1975 and my brother more recently in the last few years. My mother has been in remission for over 35 years and my brother for about two years – it is obviously not their turn either!!
I think my attitude, hopefully, keeps my alive – each day as I rise to go to work say a blessing that I am healthy, wealthy, wise and lucky to have my life.
I thank the goddess each day that I have a wonderful wife, my family and all my friends for without them life would be lonely.
So I guess it was not my turn way back in 1959 and I personally hope it’s not my turn for a long, long time.


  1. I enjoyed this blog today because it reminds me to live each day in the moment. That's easy to forget until someone close to us passes away and we are reminded how short life can be. I didn't know about your childhood cancer and I'm happy that you've been in remission for 50 years. Now, why not live in the moment and do some travelling to, I don't know, Canada? ;)

  2. Well, I would love to but it is all about co-ordination & recreation leave. The latter is the problem,last year (2009)I had a few trips both local & overseas, so now I am back to building up leave again. Please know that I am working on it! :)
