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Is it the cocktail hour? It must be 5 o'clock somewhere in the world!!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Last year I turned Fifty & very proud of it but I felt compelled to write about all the things that happen when you turn fifty.
The vent that started this thought was cards & wrapping paper for birthdays - I used to get my presents wrapped in cool wrapping paper, now I get flowers & a similar pattern that I always associated with getting older (than I am now). Cards are the same except my friends & darling goddaughter who insisted on giving a on masse pink card (she is badly into pink)
Next was the mail turning fifty generated - I did not realise I was on so many Government databases, all of a sudden I get mail to check my internals shall we say and that vicious thing called a Mammogram & the doctors saying – now that your Fifty & list these complaints that are associated with getting older.
Mammograms - believe the hype - it hurts, our breasts were not made to be squished like that. On this occasion the boys have it easy all they need is a blood test.
To continue - there's the reading glasses, the aches & pains that seem to be more often. The mornings are not getting easier, my favorite is 'Mornings were designed to ruin a perfectly happy day'
Then there are life’s decisions - the word retirement keeps popping up, I have never been able to plan one year ahead let alone ten or more.
Oh well, life goes on & so will I be planning, planning and more planning, hoping to get it right for later in life.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud at a few things here. The flowered wrapping paper? retirement planning? I have to say I'm in shock and awe that, after all these years, doctors have not figured out a better way to check our breasts for lumps. If the only way to test for testicular cancer was to do the same thing to a man, doctors would have found a better way than "crushing the nuts." It would be more like an ultrasound, in fact, I bet it is! Keep smiling!
